László Zahorán, developer of EPIC Innolabs and researcher at SZTAKI, won first place at the scientific student conference organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology with his study, ProSeqqo: Generic solver for robotic sequence and process planning.
The study presents a general descriptive language for use in industrial robotic cells for complex sequencing problems, considering several technological constraints and different objective functions. It can solve planning tasks efficiently, even as a cloud-based application. It illustrates its applicability through several case studies, such as robotic portrait drawing or autonomous machine service.
The supervisors were Dr. András Kovács, Research Fellow at Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence, SZTAKI and Dr. Gábor Hullám, Associate Professor at Department of Measurement and Information Systems, BME. The study will be presented in the computer science section of the 36th OTDK, organized by the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Marosvásárhely in the spring of 2023.
The sequence planner is available on GitHub: https://github.com/sztaki-hu/ProSeqqo