Dr. Gábor Nick (EPIC InnoLabs Ltd, SZTAKI EMI laboratory) gave a lecture entitled The practical utilization of industrial digitization trends and solutions at the event of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce: Industry 4.0 – Focus on the automotive industry.
The conference, held online on November 24, 2020, was attended by German and Hungarian professionals and company representatives, primarily from the automotive industry.
In the presentation, participants were given a brief overview of the key technologies and key issues in Industry 4.0, and then heard answers to the following dilemmas by presenting practical examples:
- Where are domestic and international research on digital factories heading?
- What Industry 4.0 technology solutions help to increase the company’s productivity and improve its competitiveness?
- How the tools of Industry 4.0 are utilized specifically during production, i.e. how to gain the appreciation of the factory manager.

The theoretical and practical results of EPIC InnoLabs Kft and SZTAKI EMI in the field of simulation modeling, data science and production optimization were given great emphasis in the presentation.
Presentations are available here: